Grow your citrus and pick as much citrus as you can by overlapping other trees bearing the same fruit. The more you overlap, the greater your harvest will be.

## How to Play

- Try to add the hand pieces (bottom left) to the main board to score.

- You can rotate your hand piece 60 degree before add it to the main board.

- Empty space can overlap with anything.

- The color of the citrus in that hex must match the one underneath it, if both of them are not empty space.

- Score is calculate by adding the fruit count.

- If the score value would exceed ‘6’ then it becomes ‘10’. If a ‘10’ is overlapped then it becomes ‘15’. You cannot go over 15 on any hex.

- Game end once your have placed 9 hand pieces onto the main board.


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I couldn’t understand the mechanics.

Hi, I have added some instructions on how to play it.


Oh, interesting idea! I like visuals, except for the transparent panel at the bottom. Also it seems that it places tiles in the wrong position and sometimes refuses at all randomly. I didn't see this idea, plays similar to dorfromantic.

Thank you for try out my game. Basically, all 7 hex must either match the same color underneath it or one of them is empty space.